The single most memorable ad I have ever seen. It is sheer genius, and you do not forget it.


I will always remember to wear my seatbelt now



99% of all 2 hour feature films don’t have the emotional impact of this ~ 90 second commercial.


It is one of the hardest things to do---create ANOTHER masterpiece, without too much repetition. The main message is the same, just as before with Embrace Life, No blood and guts, no lecturing, no threats---just a gentle reminder that other people are affected by tragedy, and that YOUR life is beyond price to those who love you.



I keep coming back to this. The power of the unspoken word is breathing taking. The message ... lifesaving!


Children copy everything that their parents do,good or bad. If they see good habits i.e. all the gear all the time or not drinking and driving;they will very likely carry this into adulthood. It's a parent's responsibility to teach good habits early.



I hope that the TAC here in Australia see this video and use it. I am going to forward this to them right now!


Brillant commercial! And something we can all learn from as riders (and parents).



Hands down the most poignant commercial I've ever watched.


Act like your seatbelt is your loved ones embracing you. I am in driviers ed while writing this. I cant stress this enough. YOUR SEATBELT IS YOUR LIFE LINE.



Fact that you guys in the UK actually do moto safety ads is great, then to add an emotional element to it that speaks on a sincere level is very cool.


What a most awesome ad. As MattSR500 says below, I'd also love for the TAC in Victoria Aus to take this type of approach. This tugs on the heart strings and doesn't alienate riders as dangerous road abusers when in the vast majority of instances here, motorcycle fatalities are caused by another vehicle.. Brilliantly well done :)



Every now and again I remember this and go hunting for it. When I find it, I watch it. And cry. Every time. Then I have to watch it a few times until I start to feel silly sitting in front of the monitor with tears rolling down my face. So I stop. Until next time.


It's already been said over and again in the comments but I consider this a work of art. Whoever wrote, directed, and produced/edited this piece are geniuses and as talented as any I've ever seen. It captures everything in life as it passes by your eyes in that moment when the frailty of existence becomes clear. And your family and loved ones are symbolic in this piece, and would keep you safe if they could, but the end result is those are the ones you would leave behind. It is brief, it is poignant, it is relevant, and it is just an incredibly well done film.

